2018-2019 Academic Catalog 
    Jan 18, 2025  
2018-2019 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Summer & Evening Division Academic Policies


Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a basic value for all higher learning. Simply expressed, it requires that work presented must be wholly one’s own and unique to that course. All direct quotations must be identified by source. Academic integrity can be violated in many ways, including but not limited to:

  • plagiarism;
  • unauthorized collaboration;
  • cheating on an exams;
  • submitting one paper to more than one class without the explicit approval of the professors involved;
  • copying a computer program;
  • altering data in an experiment;
  • attempts to alter or altering an official academic record;
  • forging the signature of a faculty member or administrator.

To ensure academic integrity and safeguard students’ rights, all suspected violations of academic integrity are reported through the Associate Dean or Dean of the Summer & Evening Division to the Academic Integrity Board. Such reports must be carefully documented, and students accused of the infraction are notified of the charge. In the case of breach of academic integrity, the student will receive a sanction, which may range from an F in the assignment or course to suspension or expulsion from the University.

Academic Standing

Credit toward the bachelor of arts and bachelor of science degrees is expressed in terms of units. With few exceptions, each course is equivalent to one unit (four semester hours). A minimum of 32 units and satisfactory completion of major and distribution requirements are necessary to attain the bachelor’s degree.

To maintain minimal academic standing, students must earn a grade of C- or higher in at least two of every four courses taken. Students who fail to meet these requirements will be placed on academic probation, with their progress subject to continual review. Students who do not maintain good standing may be dismissed from the University. No more than eight D grades, with 32 attempted units, will be counted toward graduation. This number is adjusted on a percentage basis for students transferring credit to the Summer & Evening Division. (For example, to transfer the maximum of 16 units, students are allowed only four D grades at Clark as credit toward graduation.) Students must earn a grade of B or better in all courses in their majors.

The adjustment, or readjustment, to university demands may be a difficult process. Students who fail a course in their first semester are required to meet with the associate dean to determine whether a different course track, additional preparatory courses at another institution, or non-credit courses through Clark would be beneficial. The Summer & Evening Division reserves the right to curtail continuous registration if a student fails two courses completed in his/her first year at Clark. This policy is designed in the interest of Summer & Evening Division students. Once a semester has begun, if a student believes a course is too advanced, he or she should consult immediately with the associate dean of undergraduate programs.


The University has no attendance requirements; however, instructors have the prerogative of establishing such requirements for their own courses.

Audit Policy

Certain courses at the Summer & Evening Division can be audited. The cost is one-half tuition per course. Please check with the Summer & Evening Division office to be sure the course you are interested in can be audited.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

CLEP credits are accepted at the discretion of the associate dean. A minimum score of 650 is required for acceptance of the composition examination. If a student is planning to use CLEP to meet the Introduction to Composition requirement, he or she must take the CLEP English exam with essay. Scores acceptable in other area examinations vary; CLEPs are not accepted in all areas. Students may not receive CLEP credit in an area in which they have already taken and transferred course credit. Students planning to take CLEP tests should meet with the associate dean before registering for the exams to assure that credit sought is transferable. The Summer & Evening Division reserves the right to review and establish new CLEP scoring standards at any time, and such changes become effective immediately and apply to all students, regardless of matriculation date. CLEP credit is considered transfer credit; students already transferring the maximum number of course units (16) will not be granted additional CLEP credit. Although transfer credit is usually not permitted following matriculation, matriculated students may transfer CLEP credit during their first technical semester-i.e. the period taken to complete four (4) course units at Clark.

Daytime Course Offerings

Students with flexible hours may wish to fulfill some of their degree requirements through courses offered in the daytime. Matriculated Summer & Evening Division students who plan to register for two courses during a semester may take one daytime course offered by Clark at the Summer & Evening Division tuition rate on a space available basis, with priority given to seniors. No more than one-fourth of the total program may be elected in the day program. The associate dean must approve the chosen course prior to registration.

Enrollment Status

At Clark, academic credit is expressed in terms of course units. Most Clark courses are awarded one unit which is equivalent to four semester credit hours or 180 hours of engaged academic time.  

Enrollment status is determined on a semester-by-semester basis based on actual registration. A student is considered to be enrolled as of the first day of classes of that particular semester.  Registration enrollment statuses and criteria are defined as follows:

Enrollment Status Unit Criteria
Full-Time 3.00 and up
Three-Quarter Time 1.75 to 2.75
Half-Time 1.50
Less than Half-Time 0.25 to 1.25


Enrollment statuses are used to determine financial aid eligibility, loan deferment, FICA exemption, health insurance, and for international students, immigration status.   After each term begins, enrollment statuses are reported to the National Student Clearinghouse several times in the semester to ensure that loan agencies have accurate and up-to-date enrollment information, as is required by federal regulations.  

Facility in Writing

The Summer & Evening Division holds rigorously to the requirement that University students meet high standards in verbal expression. All Summer & Evening Division students are required to take both “Introduction to Composition” and “Intermediate Composition” at Clark. Transfer students may receive credit for composition courses taken at other accredited institutions; however, transfer credit for composition is allowed only on the introductory level. Intermediate or advanced composition credit will be considered elective, and it will not fulfill the writing requirements. If a student feels that his or her writing is already at an advanced level, a portfolio of the student’s previous work may be submitted for review for waiver consideration. Should the course be waived, the student may take an English course with a significant writing component in its place, with the approval of the associate dean.

General University Graduation Requirements

In addition to meeting all academic requirements, a student’s disciplinary record must be in good standing in order to be eligible to receive a degree from the University. Clark may place a hold on the conferral of the degree along with other student records if any of the following exist with regard to a student’s disciplinary record: any pending disciplinary proceeding, any pending appeals of a disciplinary proceeding or sanction, or any pending or active sanctions.


The following letter grades are awarded upon completion of a course: A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, F (no credit is awarded for an F or W grade). The grade of W has two versions: W (withdrawn), and WR (withdrawn with reason). A grade of WR requires the approval of the associate dean. A student wishing to withdraw from a course must do so according to the dates listed on the academic calendar. No withdrawals are allowed during the last three scheduled class meetings. Failure to withdraw formally from a course will result in the grade of F. Students who receive four grades of W within a two-year period may be placed on academic probation and are required to meet with the associate dean.

Honors/Latin Honors

General course of study honors are awarded at three levels: cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude. Students receiving bachelor’s degrees through the Summer & Evening Division may be candidates for graduation honors if they meet the following criteria: a minimum of 16 units (64 semester hours credit) have been completed at Clark University and at least three quarters of all courses taken at Clark have been completed for a letter grade. To achieve these honors, the following minimum GPAs are required: summa cum laude: 3.8; magna cum laude: 3.6; cum laude: 3.5. Latin Honors designation appears in the commencement program.

The University reserves the right to review and establish new honors standards at any time, and any changes determined by the Summer & Evening Division Honors Board become effective immediately and apply to all students, regardless of matriculation date. There are no set cutoffs for the three levels of Latin Honors; these are determined yearly by the Honors Board based on the academic performance of the graduating class. The National Honor Society Alpha Sigma Lambda, established in 1947 as the National Evening College Honor Society, is dedicated to the recognition and encouragement of outstanding scholarly achievement in liberal studies. The society was founded to honor those persons who meet high scholastic standards while artfully coping with their lives as nontraditional students. Each year, the Summer & Evening Division chapter inducts candidates who are matriculated students, have completed more than 16 graded units at Clark, have completed four units outside the major field, and have performed with outstanding scholastic achievement (3.50).


An incomplete is given at the discretion of the instructor when extenuating circumstances prevail. An incomplete in a course given in the fall must be made up by April 1. An incomplete given in the spring or summer must be made up by October 1. An incomplete is automatically converted to the grade of F if a grade change is not received by the specified due date. If there are sound reasons for an extension beyond these dates, the student should file a Petition for Special Action, which includes a statement of support from the instructor. The petition must be filed on or before the specified due date. Extensions of undergraduate incompletes are granted solely at the discretion of the Summer & Evening Division associate dean.

Matriculation to Undergraduate Programs

Although students may wish to take courses without being formally enrolled in a degree program, most students do seek a degree. Students are admitted into degree programs within the Summer & Evening Division throughout the year. It is important to apply early and meet with an academic advisor to insure that course selections fulfill degree requirements and are in concert with a student’s long-term goals. Financial assistance is available to matriculated students only.

To complete a degree program, a student must earn 32 units (128 semester hours) of credit. With few exceptions, each course is worth one unit of credit. To matriculate, a student must complete the application for undergraduate admission, available from the Summer & Evening Division office. Proof of high school graduation or its equivalent is required for all degree candidates. Before an application can be processed, official transcripts of all previous higher education experience must be received by the director of admissions. A $35 fee is required with the completed application. Matriculation decisions are based on a combination of prior academics, person interview and review of official transcripts. Students must meet with the associate dean to evaluate any credits considered for transfer from another college or university.

Applicants are informed of their matriculation decision within eight to twelve weeks after receipt of their completed applications and all official transcripts. The matriculation decision letter will indicate any transfer credit that has been awarded. Transfer students are required to take a minimum of one-half (16 units) of their course work at Clark University. No more than one-half of the courses counting toward the major may be transfer courses. Upperlevel major requirements must be fulfilled at Clark University. The acceptance letter will outline the approved transfer courses and indicate remaining degree requirements.

Once matriculated, a student must file a petition for special action should he/she wish to take a course at another accredited institution and transfer the credit toward a degree. No request will be considered if the student has already transferred the maximum units toward the degree.


Students may elect the Pass/Fail alternative. The non-graded preference must be stated either at the time of registration or through submission of a form no later than the date of the seventh class meeting. Under this option, an award of P (pass) indicates successful completion of the course at the level of C- or better; Students receiving a grade below C- will show an F (fail) on their transcript. The Pass/Fail option may not be selected for courses in the student’s major, except when a professor chooses to offer a course on a Pass/Fail basis only.

Petition for Special Action

The staff and administration of the Summer & Evening Division realize that circumstances may occur in which an exception to established policies and procedures is appropriate. If a situation arises in which a student believes an exception should be made to a standing policy, he or she may file a petition for special action. Petition forms are available at the Summer & Evening Division office. Petitions are reviewed by the Summer & Evening Division associate dean and appropriate committee members.

Posthumous Degree

The University may grant undergraduate and graduate degrees posthumously. To be eligible for consideration for the awarding of a posthumous degree, the deceased student must at the time of death:

  • be an enrolled student in good standing with the university;
  • have completed 75% of the degree requirements based on normal academic progress (have achieved senior status as an undergraduate; completed 75% of course requirements for a Master’s degree; have a draft of a dissertation/degree paper and completed all other degree requirements for the Ph.D.).

When a request to award a posthumous degree to an eligible student is received, the President will consult with the Provost, Chair of the Faculty and the Chair of the Board of Trustees prior to deciding whether to proceed with the awarding of the degree.

Student Absence Due to Religious Beliefs

Any student who is unable, due to religious beliefs, to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study or work requirement on a particular day shall be excused from that activity and will be given the opportunity to make up missed work with no adverse or prejudicial effects.

Withdrawal from Courses

A student may withdraw from a course at any time during the add/drop period without having a W recorded on his or her transcript. After the add/drop period ends, students may withdraw from courses through the last day of class in any given semester by completing a course withdrawal form. In cases of course withdrawals a final grade of a W will be recorded; the W grade will not be calculated into the GPA and no credit will be awarded toward earned units. Students compelled to withdraw from a course due to exceptional circumstances (e.g., serious illness) may petition the College Board for a withdrawal with reason (WR) grade; the WR grade will not be calculated into the GPA and no credit will be awarded toward earned units.