2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
    Jan 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Accelerated Degree Program Policies and Procedures


  1. Students must complete and submit the application to the Accelerated B.A./Master’s Degree Program through the online portal by April 15 of their junior year, or Nov. 1 if they are out of sequence. An application fee is not required. Note: For students out of sequence it is helpful to think of applying at the end of the third semester before their graduation.
  2. Students may not switch to another program after the appropriate ADP application deadline.
  3. Students who are dismissed, suspended, expelled or fall out of the ADP Program’s academic eligibility requirements lose their eligibility for the program.


  1. Academic qualification for the ADP program will be based on a student’s cumulative GPA as calculated by Clark University.  Courses that qualify include campus-based courses, study abroad, summer and May term courses.  Course transferred in from another institution or AP courses do not qualify.
  2. Students who complete their degree requirements in December rather than in May can defer their eligibility one semester if, and only if, the program agrees that the required courses are not available in the spring semester presumably because the course offering would be off-sequence.
  3. Conditional admission to the ADP is offered to students when they have completed their junior year of study at Clark (24 units).  The subsequent academic year (8 units) are considered the student’s senior year.
  4. Only graduate-level coursework taken after receiving a conditional admission to the ADP program may be counted toward the master’s degree. 
  5. Students are not considered fully matriculated into their ADP graduate degree until they have completed their bachelor’s degree and have maintained their academic qualifications for the program as outlined in their conditional admission letter.
  6. Once fully matriculated into the graduate degree program, students must meet Clark’s graduate residency requirements of 8 graduate units at Clark post their bachelor’s degree.  For most 10-unit programs, that means that students take a maximum of 2 graduate courses in their senior year and 8 units in their graduate year. For programs greater than 10 units, a student may be eligible to take more than 2 graduate units in their senior year. 


  1. Once granted conditional admission to the ADP Master’s program, students may begin taking graduate level work in their senior year-where appropriate. (Note:  Depending on the program, the number of graduate level courses taken in the senior year may vary).  Tuition for these courses is covered as part of the student’s regular Fall and Spring undergraduate tuition.  Once a student is fully matriculated into their graduate program, tuition remission rates offered to the student as part of the ADP program are in effect for a 12-month period. Students who apply for and receive a medical leave of absence will be granted a revised time-line equal to accommodate leave.
  2. Students who take longer than 12 calendar months to complete their degree will be subject to prevailing university tuition rates for courses taken after the 12-month period.  Students in the research track of ADP may be eligible for two academic semesters (Fall/Spring/Summer) for non-residency status after the fifth year to complete research and writing of the master’s thesis.  Please note: there is a $200 fee (per semester) associated with the non-residency status registration.
  3. Students who are on track to graduate with 24 Clark awarded units (non-transfer, non-AP credit) will be eligible for the full remission benefit.  Students must have completed 16 of the 24 units at time of initial conditional admission.  Students who graduate with less than 24 Clark awarded units (non-transfers, non-AP credit) will be eligible for 50% of the remission benefit.  Note:  Study abroad, May term and Clark sponsored summer courses are included in Clark residency units.

Research Programs

Cohort Programs

Professional Programs

Research-focused programs are characterized by the student’s intensive focus on the development, execution and write up of a research plan.  These programs are intended to prepare students for further academic study at the doctoral level or work in an applied research field.

Cohort programs are characterized by having all admitted students in pre-determined curricular plan.  The only cohort-based program currently is the MAT.  The MAT program prepares students for a career in K-12 education.

Professional degree programs are designed to prepare students for a career in a range of professional fields.  They are characterized by their discipline level focus and their applied focus in the field of study.  Students can expect to study with both academic and industry professional and work towards being prepared to enter the workforce in the given field of study.  

Matriculation Criteria: 

  • 3.4 cumulative GPA to be eligible for the ADP program
  • A departmentally approved research plan/proposal to be developed in the student’s senior year (March 1st deadline)
  • Summer/Fall Start
  • No Gap Year Option
  • Individual degree programs may have course specific pre-requisites.

*Full admission to the Research Track is done on a holistic review of the candidate’s application.  Individuals with a GPA less than the 3.4 target may be assessed a reduced tuition fee scholarship.

Matriculation Criteria:

  • 3.2 GPA to be eligible for the ADP program*
  • 3.4+ GPA students are offered 100% tuition scholarship. <3.4 GPA students are offered a 50% scholarship.
  • Summer Start
  • No Gap Year option.

*The MAT program has several pre-requisite courses for full admission. Please refer to the academic catalogue for full admission requirements.

Matriculation Criteria:

  • GPA: 3.4 for conditional admission and to retain tuition remission after completion of senior year. As nationally-ranked credentials, the MBA and MSGIS programs will require a 3.6 GPA for conditional admission and tuition remission.
  • Gap Year eligible (See notation for Gap Year requirements.)
  • Summer/Fall starts


  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Chemistry
  • History


  • Education (MAT)
  • Accounting
  • Accounting Analytics
  • Business Analytics
  • Business Administration (MBA)
  • Communication
  • Community Development and Planning
  • Environmental Science and Policy
  • Finance
  • Geographic Information Science (GIS)
  • Information Technology
  • International Development
  • Management (MSM)
  • Marketing
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Public Administration
  • Gap Year:  While the ADP program is intended to “accelerate” the path to a Master’s degree, we recognize that for some students pursuing the ‘professional’ track, they may wish to have some level of professional experiences in a particular field prior to completing their studies.  If that is the case, the professional track offers a Gap year option.
    • Students must apply and declare a Gap year in the mid-term of their last semester of undergraduate work.  Students must commit to being away for the full year as many courses follow a prescribed sequence and requirements may not be offered every semester.
    • Students granted a Gap year may reenter the Summer/Fall of the year following their graduation from their BA program.
    • If a student fails to return within the designated timeline, they may petition to re-enter Clark at a future date but will forfeit the 100% tuition scholarship.