2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
    Jan 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Arts and Sciences - Undergraduate Academic Policies



Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is highly valued at Clark. Research, scholarship and teaching are possible only in an environment characterized by honesty and mutual trust. Academic integrity requires that your work be your own. Because of the damage that violations of academic integrity do to the intellectual climate of the University, they must be treated with the utmost seriousness and appropriate sanctions must be imposed. The maintenance of high standards of academic integrity is the concern of every member of the University community.

Several ways in which academic integrity may be violated are outlined below.

Cheating has three principal forms:

  • Unauthorized use of notes, text, or other aids during an examination or in performance of course assignments.
  • Copying the work of another (including work generated in whole or in part by artificial intelligence.)
  • Handing in the same paper for more than one course unless the faculty members involved give their explicit permission to do so.

Plagiarism refers to the presentation of someone else’s work as one’s own, without proper citation of references and sources, whether or not the work has been previously published. Submitting work obtained from a professional term paper writer or company is plagiarism. This also applies to work generated in whole or in part by artificial intelligence when not explicitly permitted for a specific course. Claims of ignorance about the rules of attribution, or of unintentional error are not a defense against a finding of plagiarism.

Unauthorized collaboration refers to work that students submit as their own but which was arrived at through a process of collaboration without the approval of the professor. Since standards on appropriate or inappropriate collaboration may vary widely among individual faculty, students should make certain they understand a professor’s expectations before collaborating on any class work.

Alteration or fabrication of data includes the submission or changing of data obtained by someone else or not actually obtained in the performance of an experiment or study, except where allowed by the professor. It also includes the changing of data obtained in the performance of one’s research.

Participating in or facilitating dishonest activities includes, but is not limited to:

  • Stealing examinations
  • Forging grade reports or grade change forms, or altering academic records
  • Sabotaging the work of another student
  • Selling, lending, or otherwise distributing materials for the purpose of cheating
  • Forging or altering Graduation Clearance forms
  • Forging letters of recommendation
  • Forging signatures on any official university documents
  • Training AI programs to generate work for other students for the purpose of cheating.

To ensure academic integrity and safeguard students’ rights, all suspected violations of academic integrity are reported to the chair of the College Board  . Such reports must be carefully documented, and students accused of the infraction are notified of the charge. In the case of breach of academic integrity, the student will receive a sanction, which may range from an F in the assignment or course to suspension or expulsion from the University.

Academic Standing

Academic standing is reviewed each semester and is based upon performance during the previous semester. All students are required to pass at least two course units each semester and maintain a 2.0 grade-point average. In order to remain in academic good standing, all students must successfully complete 66% of their attempted courses for the entire academic year with a minimum 2.0 grade-point average for the year.  Students who fail to meet these requirements will be placed on academic probation by designees of Clark University for the next semester for which they enroll at the institution. The progress of students, who are placed on academic probation, is reviewed by the designees of Clark University at the end of the semester.

Academic Probation

Academic probation status may be assigned by designees of Clark University for failure to meet academic good standing criteria. Academic probation status carries with it a number of responsibilities and a number of restrictions.


The student must meet with an academic success adviser once every two weeks during the semester to review their academics and create academic plans. Failure to meet regularly with an academic success adviser throughout the semester may result in a registration hold being applied to the student’s account. Registration holds prevent a student from registering for classes or ordering transcripts until they address the hold cause with the originating office.

Students on probation are required to fulfill the following responsibilities to return to good academic standing:

  • regular meetings with an academic success adviser;
  • complete a minimum of 3 units;
  • achieve a semester and cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.


While the goal of academic probation is to provide students with resources to succeed academically, the following restrictions placed on students who are on academic probation:

  • Students may not take more than 4.5 units of credit.
  • Students are ineligible to participate in NCAA sports.
  • Students may not serve as
  • an officer in any student organization or club,
  • a peer adviser,
  • a resident adviser.
  • Students may not study abroad.

Waivers of any of these restrictions must be requested formally through the designees of the Clark University.

Continued Probation

If the student did not successfully meet standards for good academic standing during their initial semester of academic probation, students will be allowed to continue at Clark for one additional semester of continued academic probation provided they meet the following criteria:

If the number of units earned in a term


then the term GPA needs to be…


2.0 Units-2.99 Units

2.0 or Above

3.0 Units or Above

1.75 or Above

If the student does not meet these requirements in their initial semester of academic probation, they will be subject to required withdrawal. Additionally, students who do not return to good standing (minimum of 3 units earned with term and cumulative GPA at 2.0 or higher) after a semester of continued probation will be subject to required withdrawal.

All the responsibilities and restrictions of academic probation still apply to students on continued academic probation.

Incomplete Status

Students who otherwise meet the good standing requirements with incomplete (IN) or not submitted (NS) grades at the start of the semester cannot have their academic standing accurately assessed. These students will be placed on incomplete status until their incompletes/not submitted grades are resolved.

Students who successfully complete their IN courses and/or resolve their NS grades will have their academic standing reassessed and updated accordingly. Students who do not successfully complete their IN courses will receive the grade designated by their faculty on the student’s incomplete form for unsuccessful completion and will have their academic standing reassessed and updated accordingly. Students who do not resolve their NS grades will have their NS grade transition to an F after 30 days and will have their academic standing reassessed and updated accordingly.

Required Withdrawal

Students who are not making satisfactory progress toward graduation may be placed on required academic withdrawal. Additionally, failure to meet the responsibilities and restrictions of academic probation will result in a review of academic progress by the Dean of the College. Students who are on academic probation who do not achieve good standing and do not qualify for continued academic probation will be subject to required academic withdrawal from the University for at least one semester.

This withdrawal will provide students with an opportunity to spend time away from Clark and to address whatever problems resulted in their poor academic performance. It may also be important for students to continue taking courses to prove that they can successfully manage academic work. Students are free to take courses at other institutions (not Clark’s School of Professional Studies) during a required withdrawal (see policy on External Credit). A student may appeal Required Withdrawal status by a formal petition to the College Board. If approved, the student will be placed on continued probation for one semester to achieve good standing.

When students are ready to return to Clark, they need to submit a request for readmission to the College Board. When students return from a required withdrawal, they will be placed on probation for the semester they return. International students who are placed on required withdrawal must consult the Director of the International Students and Scholars Office (x7362) to discuss the implications of this action to their visa status.

A student who continues to not achieve academic good standing after returning from a required withdrawal may be placed on a second required withdrawal. This second withdrawal bars them from returning to the University for at least one semester and until they have completed at another accredited institution at least two approved courses (equivalent to at least 1.50 units at Clark) during a single semester with grades of C or higher. Students who have been placed on a second required withdrawal may appeal the decision through a formal petition to the College Board. If approved, the student will be placed on continued probation for one semester to achieve good standing.

Academic Dismissal

A student who continues to not achieve academic good standing after returning from their second required withdrawal may be placed on Academic Dismissal. Students who have been academically dismissed may appeal the decision through a formal petition to the College Board. If the appeal is approved, the student will be placed on continued probation for one semester to achieve good standing.

Students who have been academically dismissed may not reapply to Clark. Academic Dismissal is a final separation from Clark University.

Audit Status

To audit a course in a given semester, a student must maintain full-time enrollment status in that semester (that is, must be registered for at least three (3) units of credit, excluding the course to be audited). With the permission of the instructor(s), full-time undergraduate students are eligible to audit up to one unit of undergraduate courses per semester (either one, one unit course or two, half-unit courses). There is no additional charge for this privilege. Part-time matriculated students also may register as auditors with the permission of the instructor and payment of tuition. In limited or sectioned courses, regularly enrolled Clark students are given preference for available openings. For students who choose to audit a course, a final grade of “AU” will be reflected on the transcript; the grade doesn’t count as earned units and does not get factored into the GPA.

Class Attendance

There is no university-wide class attendance policy. However, many individual instructors do set attendance requirements for their courses.

Class Standing

Current class level for undergraduate students is calculated by the number of units earned.

0-7.99 units completed = First Year class standing

8-15.99 units completed = Sophomore class standing

16-23.99 units completed = Junior class standing

24 or more units = Senior class standing

Online registration priority dates for undergraduate students, however, are determined by the student’s anticipated class as of the next semester, which includes BOTH earned units and currently registered units. For example, if a student has 12 earned units (current sophomore class) and is registered for 4 units this semester (total of 16), then that student’s anticipated class for the next semester is junior. Thus, the student’s “class for registration purposes” is junior.

Consortium Registration

Full-time (registered for at least 3.0 units) Clark undergraduate day college students may take one course each fall or spring through the Higher Education Consortium of Central Massachusetts (HECCMA). Consortium registration is permitted for sophomores, juniors, seniors, and transfer students beyond their first semester. Consortium courses must be taken for letter grade. The final grade will be calculated into the student’s GPA and will count in earned units 1.0 Clark unit. Students may not enroll in a Consortium course in the same semester in which the course is being offered at Clark unless that course is filled or conflicts with a required course which the student must complete in the same semester.

Courses in the School of Professional Studies Undergraduate Program

Beginning in their sophomore year, undergraduate students may register for School of Professional Studies Undergraduate (SPS UG) courses that have been approved for day college credit. Students may take one SPS Undergraduate course each semester during the academic year (fall and spring) up to a maximum of four courses toward their undergraduate program. Summer courses in SPS UG are limited to no more than 2 courses per summer, are not included in the four course maximum, and open to continuing first years as well. 

Departmental Honors

Students may be admitted to a program leading to a bachelor’s degree with honors in a particular major at the beginning of the junior year or, in some cases, at the beginning of the senior year. In most cases, each student will work with a faculty member who serves as his or her honors adviser and assists with planning the honors research and thesis during the student’s junior and senior years. The program may include a maximum of six courses in which the student works under the adviser’s supervision. In some cases, students must pass a comprehensive examination given by the department in the senior year.

Students should check with the major department to obtain guidelines for the specific requirements for honors before the end of the sophomore year (although in some departments, applications for honors may be made in the second half of the junior year).
Admission to an honors program does not relieve students of any of the standard major requirements. A student’s candidacy for honors will be terminated at the end of any term in which he or she has not maintained a standard of work satisfactory to the department. If candidacy is terminated for any reason, the amount of course credit to be allowed for honors courses will be determined by the College Board.

The department may recommend that a student graduate with honors, high honors or highest honors. Consult individual departments for details concerning acceptance into their honors programs.

Double Counting Courses

There are three categories of transcript designations: majors, minors, and concentrations. In answer to the question: “What overlap can there be between two transcript designations?” The policy is that at most two courses, other than courses required for both, could be counted toward two transcript designations. Also, if a student has three transcript designations, A, B, and C, then up to two courses (beyond courses required for both) can count for both A and B; two for A and C; and two for B and C. Possibly, then, in all, six courses could be counted twice for A, B, and C. No single course, however, could count for all three of A, B, and C (unless it is required for all three). Likewise, if a student has four transcript designations, two courses can count for any two of those designations, but no single course could count for more than two designations.

Enrollment Status

At Clark, academic credit is expressed in terms of course units. Most Clark courses are awarded one unit which is equivalent to four semester credit hours or 180 hours of engaged academic time.  

Enrollment status is determined on a semester-by-semester basis based on actual registration. A student is considered to be enrolled as of the first day of classes of that particular semester.  Registration enrollment statuses and criteria are defined as follows:

Enrollment Status Unit Criteria
Full-Time 3.00 and up
Three-Quarter Time 1.75 to 2.75
Half-Time 1.50
Less than Half-Time 0.25 to 1.25

Enrollment statuses are used to determine financial aid eligibility, loan deferment, FICA exemption, health insurance, and for international students, immigration status.   After each term begins, enrollment statuses are reported to the National Student Clearinghouse several times in the semester to ensure that loan agencies have accurate and up-to-date enrollment information, as is required by federal regulations.  

Exception Policy

Exceptions to particular university regulations and degree requirements will be considered only if there is no prohibition stated in this catalog. Where exceptions are specifically prohibited, none will be granted. A student who wants an individual exception must follow the procedure specified in this catalog for the particular regulation or requirement. If no procedure is specified, it may still be possible to request an exception. Such exceptions, however, are rarely granted.

Requests for exception to established university academic regulations or procedures are generally heard by: (1) the College Board; (2) the dean or director of the office responsible for administering the policy; or (3) the chair of the academic unit in which the student is seeking a degree. Students who wish to request an exception should first consult the Academic Advising Center about the appropriate process to follow.

While the university is sensitive to the educational advantages of a flexible curriculum, it is also conscious of a responsibility to ensure equity for all students. Permission to deviate from published regulations is neither automatic nor pro forma; each request is considered on its own merits and in light of the petitioner’s complete academic record.

Fifth Course Approval

Juniors and seniors with a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative GPA or a minimum of a 3.0 term GPA from the most recent completed full-time semester may register for a fifth course unit at no additional cost. Sophomores with a minimum of a 3.6 cumulative GPA may also register for a fifth course at no additional cost. The standard number of units that any student may register for in a given semester is 4.5 units; the fifth course approval will raise the allowable unit maximum for the term to 5.5 units.

Final Examinations

Final examinations are given at the end of most courses; however, not all courses will have a face-to-face exam. Approximately one week is set aside for each examination period, and an attempt is made to distribute examinations for individual students evenly throughout this period. Final Exams are prescheduled and will appear on the Registrar’s website at the start of each semester. Professors are expected to inform their classes of their final exam schedule at the start of every semester and may only change the date or time of a scheduled final exam if they obtain the consent of the entire class. Should a student be scheduled for three back-to-back final exams on a single day, the middle exam may be rescheduled in coordination with the instructor.
Absence from a final examination, except for the most compelling reasons, may result in a failure for the course. If an absence is necessary due to a medical or personal reason, the student must file a petition to the College Board for an incomplete in the course.
Comprehensive final exams may not be given (or due) during the last week of class or during the scheduled reading period. Other examinations and tests may be given at any time during the course at the discretion of the instructor.

General University Graduation Requirements

To earn a Bachelor of Arts degree at Clark, a student must complete a minimum of 32 course units (128 semester credit hours equivalent) with a minimum overall (cumulative) 2.0 grade-point average (GPA).  Bachelor’s degree candidates must also successfully complete the requirements of at least one major, the Clark Core, and a capstone.  A student may opt to pursue additional majors, minors, or concentrations and will be required to complete requirements for all declared programs prior to the award of the degree.

In addition to meeting all academic, residency, grading requirements, a student’s disciplinary record must be in good standing in order to be eligible to receive a degree from the University. Clark may place a hold on the conferral of the degree along with other student records if any of the following exist with regard to a student’s disciplinary record: any pending disciplinary proceeding, any pending appeals of a disciplinary proceeding or sanction, or any pending or active sanctions.


As part of Clark’s liberal arts education curriculum, all students begining Fall 2024 will complete the Clark Core (students who began their studies prior to Fall 24 will follow the PLS requirements). These courses allow students to develop critical thinking skills, respect for other cultures and perspectives, and introduce students to new ways of seeing, thinking, and knowing humans and the natural world. The breadth of Core courses allows students to make vital connections across subjects, and understand the world in diverse ways, so that they may be active, engaged global citizens. In taking the ten requirements across five disciplines, students develop their current educational goals while simultaneously exploring new interests, acquiring new skills, and developing ways of thinking.   

1. First-Year Intensives (FYI) As the first step in our undergraduate curriculum, your First-Year Intensive (FYI) course builds the intellectual, social, and emotional foundations you need to thrive at Clark and beyond. Typically limited to 16 students, FYI courses let you begin your Clark career by developing close relationships with a professor and group of peers who share your interests. Your FYI professor will likely be your academic adviser until you declare a major, and will help you navigate your transition from high school to college.  The FYI course will also carry one of the other nine Core designations.

2. Aesthetic Perspective (AP) courses focus on the relationship between form and content through the study of aesthetic form- whether through hands-on artistic practice or analysis-with the goal of enhancing students’ critical appreciation and understanding of the arts.

3. Diversity and Inclusion (DI) courses focus on marginalization, privilege, disadvantage, and oppression in multiple domains (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social class). Students will learn how to critically analyze concepts such as power, intersectionality, marginality and identity.  

4. Formal Analysis (FA) courses focus on formal symbolic systems for precisely representing quantitative aspects of the world and the applications of these systems in problem-solving contexts. 

5. Global Comparative Perspective (GP) courses focus on comparative analysis through the examination of diverse cultures, societies, political systems, and/or economic structures of different parts of the world. In examining their similarities and differences, these courses will help students develop a global context for understanding elements of human experience.   

6. History Perspective (HP) courses focus on exploring aspects of culture, society, and environment, as well as intellectual, economic, and political arrangements in the past. Through this exploration, students will better understand how the past informs, shapes, and diverges from the present.   

7. Language and Culture Perspective (LP) courses foster the study of a language or literature other than English to help students develop their understanding of the relationship of language to culture, to help them appreciate different cultures, and to prepare them to be global citizens.  

8. Scientific Perspective (SP) courses focus on exploring the world around us, emphasizing the experimental, analytical, theoretical, and computational techniques used to develop understanding in and across scientific disciplines. Courses introduce you to the experimental and problem-solving nature of scientific study.  

9. Written Expression (WE) courses focus on writing clearly and persuasively, making a cogent argument, using textual evidence to support that argument, and thinking critically about texts, with the goal of enhancing students’ written communication skills.  

10. Values Perspective (VP) courses focus on the moral, ethical and prescriptive frameworks that individuals and organizations use to view the world and make decisions. They explore the application of moral and prescriptive frameworks for critically assessing claims about value in a variety of contexts, including personal, professional, and social contexts.   

Criteria for a Capstone in the Major A capstone is an experience through which students apply integrative learning. A capstone requires a complex individual or group project that is substantially defined and carried forward by the student and demonstrates accomplishment of Clark’s Liberal Education goals, especially a capacity to practice within an academic or professional field effectively.

General Readmission

An undergraduate student who is readmitted to Clark University, will be required to fulfill the major, minor, and/or concentration requirements as stated in the term when the student was originally admitted.  Departments may provide for course substitutions, waivers, or alterations in degree requirements for the major to meet current resources of the department or needs of the student.  Students will be required to complete all university-wide and the Clark Core requirements as of their original term of admittance. Any exceptions or waivers of university-wide requirements require approval from the Dean of the College.

General Registration

Continuing students are expected to register in November for the spring semester and again in April for the following fall semester. Newly admitted first-year and transfer students for fall will register during the summer advising period; newly admitted students for spring will register for the spring semester in early January. Students may add and drop courses during each semester’s add/drop period; schedules must be finalized by the end of each semester’s add/drop period. Thereafter, a student may enter a course during the semester with the permission of the instructor or after the semester with a petition to the College Board. The dates for registration are published by the Registrar’s Office and can be found on the Courses & Schedules webpage. Failure to register within the announced period results in a $100 late fee. For more information about tuition charges associated with registration, please visit the Tuition and Financial Aid  page.


Grades are an indication of individual performance in each course taken at the University. At Clark, two grading options are currently in use:

  1. Graded courses: This option uses the symbols A, B, C (with the modifying symbol “-” for A, B, and C; and the symbol “+” for B, and C), D+, D, and F. The lowest passing grade for university requirements is D; however, some departments have higher grade requirements for courses within the major, minor, and concentration.
    The faculty has approved the following qualitative description of grades:

• A indicates work of distinction, of exceptionally high quality

• B indicates good work, but not of distinction

• C indicates satisfactory work

• D indicates marginal work

• F indicates unacceptable work

  1. The Pass/Fail Option: This option uses the symbols P and F. P indicates work at a level of C- or better. Neither the P grade nor its credit is included in the calculation of the grade-point average. Performance below a C- results in a Fail (F) grade. Students must choose this grading option within the first three weeks of the semester. Many departments will not permit students to complete major courses with a P grade. Students must consider this before electing a P/F grading option.

A student may receive no more than four D or D+ grades.  Excess D grades (D or D+ above the allowable limit of 4) will be calculated into the GPA but will not count in earned hours.

Grade-point averages are calculated by the University to determine academic good standing, semester academic honors, Latin honors at graduation and eligibility for various honor societies. The grade-point average is calculated as the average of grades earned in all Clark University graded courses. Neither external credit nor ungraded Clark University courses are included in this calculation. To compute your GPA, use the scale below to assign a numerical value to each letter grade, then multiply that value by the number of units assigned to each course. Add all of the numerical values together and divide the sum by the total number of units taken.

                  B+  =3.30     C+  =2.30     D+  =1.30
A   =4.00     B    =3.00     C    =2.00      D   =1.00
A-  =3.70     B-  =2.70     C-   =1.70      F   =0.00

Grade Appeals

A student who wishes to appeal a grade must first discuss the grade they wish to challenge with the professor. If the student feels that the issue is not resolved at this level, the second step in the appeals process requires a review by the department chair. A final appeal may be brought to the Dean of the College after a review by the department chair. The decision of the Dean will be the final action taken.

Grade Changes

Grades may only be changed after the initial submission only if an instructor of record has made a computational error in calculating a final grading or has reevaluated work submitted before the grading period ends. Grades cannot be changed on the basis of a second trial, such as a new examination or additional work undertaken or completed after the grade report has been recorded.  A change of grade may not be used as a substitute for an “Incomplete.” If a student has work missing at the end of a semester -exams, papers, assignments to be written or rewritten - the student must petition for an “Incomplete.” College Board makes that designation. See the “Grades of Incomplete” policy.

The instructor of record is the only individual who can change a grade. The faculty member should submit a request to change a grade to the University Registrar.  Any correction must take place in the semester following the one in which the grade was assigned.  In situations where the instructor of record is not available to make a final determination of change of grade, the Dean of the College, the Registrar and the department chair should consult on an appropriate resolution.

The initial reporting of a grade does not require the grade change process. If the grade was not properly recorded or if the course is listed as IN (Incomplete), an email from the instructor’s Clark University account will suffice to report the grade.

Grades of Incomplete

Students may petition for an Incomplete grade at the end of the semester due to extenuating circumstances. Incompletes are granted only to cases in which a significant majority of the course work has already been completed as determined by the faculty. In assessing the decision to grant an incomplete, faculty should believe that the student can feasibly complete the remaining work in the time before the next add/drop period. Some elements of courses, such as labs or discussion sessions, might not be feasible to complete as an incomplete. Faculty are welcome to consult with members of the university staff and their department chair in making incomplete decisions.

Incomplete petitions are reviewed by the Academic Advising Center for final approval and must have faculty support in order to be approved. Faculty support should only be granted if:

  1. the faculty member can accommodate working and communicating with the student during the period of the incomplete;
  2. the faculty member can reasonably expect the work remaining can be completed by the student before the end of the next add/drop period;
  3. the student has been engaged in the course for the majority of the semester.

To file a petition for an Incomplete, students must first meet with their professors to discuss the petition and seek support. Supporting professors specify on the form: 1) the work to be completed, 2) the grade the student would earn if they do not complete the incomplete work, 3) a deadline for the student to submit the work to the faculty member, and 4) a deadline for the faculty to submit the final grade to the Registrar. Completed forms should be submitted to the Academic Advising Center by the last day of finals.

Students may request up to 2 incompletes per semester with the option to petition for more due to unique extenuating circumstances. Petitions for Incomplete are available at the Academic Advising Center on their website.

Extensions of Incompletes

Students may petition to extend their incomplete deadline with the support of their instructor. Extensions of incompletes will then be reviewed and either approved or denied by the Academic Advising Center.

Students who extend their incompletes beyond the standard deadline will be assigned an academic success advisor with whom they must meet regularly until their incomplete work is finished.

Leave of Absence

A student may apply for a leave of absence for a period up to 180 days (typically one semester at a time) during periods of enrollment, defined at Clark as Fall and Spring. Summer is considered a period of non-enrollment because it is not a required term for undergraduate students and is, therefore, not considered part of the leave of absence period. At the end of the requested leave of absence, the student may re-enroll; file an extension of their leave of absence; or withdrawal from the university. Students may request an extension for an additional period up to an additional 180 days. Two extension periods beyond the initial leave of absence are permitted, after which time the student will be withdrawn from the university. The University Leave of Absence policy is for internal purposes only, students will be considered withdrawn to any all external agencies, including the Federal Government.  Students receiving federally or state funded aid, should consult with their financial aid counselor to understand how this may impact their aid.

Medical Leave of Absence

A student may apply for a medical leave, based on the leave of absence policy and medical documentation that supports the medical necessity for the student to be away. A student may apply for a medical leave of absence for a period up to 180 days during periods of enrollment, defined at Clark as Fall and Spring. Summer is considered a period of non-enrollment because it is not a required term for undergraduate students and is, therefore, not considered part of the leave of absence period. At the end of the requested leave of absence, the student may re-enroll; file an extension of their leave of absence; or withdrawal from the university. Students may request an extension for an additional period up to an additional 180 days. Two extension periods beyond the initial leave of absence are permitted, after which time the student will be withdrawn from the university. The University Medical Leave of Absence policy is for internal purposes only, students will be considered withdrawn to any all external agencies, including the Federal Government.  Students receiving federally or state funded aid, should consult with their financial aid counselor to understand how this may impact their aid.

Part-Time Status

Clark University students typically register for a full course load of 4.0 units. In order to be enrolled full time, a student must be registered for a minimum of 3.0 units. Students who wish to register for fewer than 3.0 units in a semester should petition for part time enrollment by contacting the Academic Advising Office at advising@clarku.edu. Approvals are given on a per-semester basis. Students should note that being enrolled less than full time will affect federal aid and university grants and scholarships, and might affect other forms of external financial aid.

Posthumous Degree

The University may grant undergraduate and graduate degrees posthumously. To be eligible for consideration for the awarding of a posthumous degree, the deceased student must at the time of death:

  • be an enrolled student in good standing with the university;
  • have completed 75% of the degree requirements based on normal academic progress (have achieved senior status as an undergraduate; completed 75% of course requirements for a Master’s degree; have a draft of a dissertation/degree paper and completed all other degree requirements for the Ph.D.).

When a request to award a posthumous degree to an eligible student is received, the President will consult with the Provost, Chair of the Faculty and the Chair of the Board of Trustees prior to deciding whether to proceed with the awarding of the degree.

Repeating Courses

It is the policy of Clark University to allow students to repeat any course. However, you will only get credit for one of the courses (except in cases where the faculty designate a course as one that can earn credit more than once). Both courses will appear on the transcript but only the higher grade will be computed into the GPA. Students receiving any kind of federal or institutional aid should consult with the office of Financial Aid to determine if the repeated course/s will affected their aid eligibility.


Students must complete a minimum of 8.0 of their final 16.0 units in residence. Their final two full-time semesters must also be in residence. Seniors who have completed seven full-time semesters and who wish to complete a final full-time semester in the School of Professional Studies Undergraduate Program must receive approval from College Board and take a leave of absence. Students with fewer than 3.0 units remaining to complete their degree requirements may elect to complete those courses either in the School of Professional Studies Undergraduate Program or at another institution without need of a waiver of the residency requirements. In almost all such cases, students will take a leave of absence to complete their remaining unit(s) in the School of Professional Studies Undergraduate Program or at an approved institution. Students taking their final unit(s) at an approved institution will be required to get transfer credit pre-approval from College Board.


Clark University undergraduate students may participate and earn course credit  in the Army and Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. U.S. citizens, who are physically qualified, earn their degree from Clark University and satisfactorily complete the ROTC program, will be commissioned as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army or Air Force. Students may request an educational delay of active duty in order to attend graduate school. First-year and sophomore students can compete for two and three-year scholarships, which are primarily based on academic performance and major. Students interested in Army ROTC should contact the Military Science Department at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) phone number 508-831-5268 or email armyrotc@wpi.edu. Students interested in Air Force ROTC should contact the Department of Aerospace Studies at WPI, phone number 508-831-5747 or email afrotc@wpi.edu.

Student Absence Due to Religious Beliefs

According to Massachusetts state law, any student who is unable, because of his or her religious beliefs, to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study or work requirement on a particular day will be excused from that requirement. He or she will have an opportunity to make up any examination, study or work requirement missed because of such absence, provided the makeup examination or work does not create an unreasonable burden on the University. No fees will be charged by the University for making such opportunities available. No adverse or prejudicial effects will result to any students availing themselves of these provisions.

Study Abroad/Study Away Programs

Clark University requires that prior to your departure for your study abroad program, the student must:

  • be in residence at Clark for at least one year
  • be in good academic standing; the student may not be on academic probation at the time of application, or during the period of study abroad
  • have a minimum GPA of 3.0 (some programs may require a higher GPA)
  • declare a major; this is required in order to assess if the student will be able to meet all requirements needed to graduate on time
  • have a passport that is valid for at least 6 months beyond the intended date of return

Normally, no more than one year (eight course units) may be taken in study-abroad programs.

Final approval of all applications is made by the program overseas; applications may be rejected for any number of reasons, including space availability.

Senior residency requirement and study abroad

Clark University has a residency requirement for the senior year. First semester seniors may study abroad and still fulfill this requirement as long as the student attends a Clark-affiliated program. It is not recommended that second semester seniors study abroad.

Transfer Credit and Advanced Standing

To earn a bachelor’s degree at Clark, a student must earn at least 16.0 units in residence at Clark; therefore, the total maximum of external credit that may be awarded to an undergraduate student is 16.0 units. “External credit” is credit earned in the following categories:

  1. Advanced placement (awarded as one Clark unit of credit with a minimum exam score of four or five)
  2. Credits transferred from other regionally accredited American colleges and universities or foreign institutions of higher learning (awarded based on the ratio that one Clark unit is the
    equivalent of four semester hour credits) with a final grade equivalent to C or better.
  3. Other international advanced placement programs (such as the International Baccalaureate Diploma, British A-Levels, German ABITUR, Caribbean Advanced proficiency, etc…). A complete
    list of approved programs and required minimum grades/scores is maintained by the Academic Advising Office.

All students must also meet the Residency policy as defined above.

The amount of transfer credit that can be applied to a bachelor’s degree at Clark is limited by the student’s admission type in the following ways:

  1. For Transfer Students (those who attended another college after graduating from high school and before attending Clark)
    a) A combined maximum of 16 units through Advanced Placement, college-level work (taken prior to or after matriculation) and/or other international advanced placement programs;
    b) Coursework will appear on the Clark Transcript with a grade of TR.
  2. For first-year students (those matriculated to Clark after graduating from high school or its equivalent who have not attending another institution of higher education):
    a) A combined maximum of eight units through Advanced Placement, prior college-level work (completed before matriculation) and/or other international advanced placement programs;
    b) Courses will appear on the Clark transcript with a grade of AP for Advanced Placement or AS (advanced standing) for college-level work;
    c) First-year students, regardless of the amount of units awarded upon admission, who wish to take additional transfer work must still adhere to the combined total maximum of no more than 16 units.

University Honors

Dean’s List
Each semester, the Dean of the College publishes a list of students who have distinguished themselves by outstanding academic performance in the preceding semester. Honors are awarded to the top students in each class based on semester grade point averages. To be eligible, students meet the following conditions:

• register for and pass at least three units of letter-graded courses;
• have received no grade lower than a “B-“, including NR, NC, NS, and IN grades;
• achieve a current term GPA of 3.8 or above for first honors or a current term GPA between 3.50 and 3.79 for second honors.

Dean’s List will be awarded approximately one week after final grades have been submitted and processed, and will be reevaluated approximately one week after the term’s incomplete grade change deadline has passed.

Latin Honors
Upon graduation, Latin honors are awarded at three levels: cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude. Latin honors are based on the following cumulative grade-point averages: summa cum laude, 3.80 and higher; magna cum laude, 3.60-3.79; and cum laude, 3.40-3.59. GPAs are not rounded up for Latin honors calculations. To be eligible for Latin honors, students must have completed at least 75 percent of their Clark courses with a letter grade.

Honor Societies
Clark has three honor societies.

  1. The Society of Phi Beta Kappa. To be considered, students must show diversity as well as a depth in coursework outside the major; demonstrate knowledge of a second or non-native language through the completion of the intermediate college level or its equivalent; and have completed at least one course in college-level mathematics, logic or statistics. Elections are held in the spring semester. A committee of faculty members who are members of PBK determines the final selections on the basis of the academic records of candidates and recommendations from the faculty at large.
  2. Gryphon and Pleiades, the senior honor society, has a long history at Clark University. The organization is the result of a merger of two earlier honor societies, Gryphon, the men’s honor society founded in 1909 and Pleiades, the women’s honor society founded in 1948. Membership is awarded annually to no more than 12 outstanding juniors who personify the society’s motto, “Scholarship, Leadership, and Citizenship,” as demonstrated by outstanding achievement in academics, extra- and co-curricular activities, and community service. Members must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.40. Annual admission into the society is determined by the current members.
  3. The Fiat Lux Honor Society was created in 1988 as a student honor and service society recognizing combined qualities of scholarship and citizenship among Clark juniors and seniors. Qualifications for selection include a minimum 3.3 grade-point average and significant community service.

Withdrawals or Failure to Register

An active student who is not enrolled (i.e., has 0 units registered) prior to the start of the semester through the institutional add/drop period for a given semester (generally about 10 days into a semester) will be administratively withdrawn by the university. Students who wish to enroll for a semester in which they have been administratively withdrawn will need to contact the Division of Student Success to discuss re-enrollment.  A student who is reactivated from administrative withdrawal must petition College Board to enroll in courses with the endorsement of the instructors.

Withdrawal from Courses/University

A student may drop a course at any time during the add/drop period without having a W recorded on their transcript. After the add/drop period ends, a student may withdraw from courses through the final day of regularly scheduled classes (i.e., prior to Reading Period) in any given semester by completing a course withdrawal form(with signture of FYSA, Advisor, or Advising Center). For course withdrawals taken before the last day of classes deadline, a final grade of a W will be recorded. The W grade will not be calculated into the GPA and no credit will be awarded toward earned units. Students who wish to voluntarily withdraw from all courses prior to the last day of classes deadline must contact the Division of Student Success and, as noted above, the W grade will be recorded on all courses.

In exceptional circumstances (e.g. serious illness) a student may request to withdraw from any or all courses after the last day of class deadline.  Any request to withdraw from courses after the last day of classes deadline will require that the student petition the College Board.  Petitions are available at the Academic Advising Center.