2010-2011 Academic Catalog 
    Oct 05, 2024  
2010-2011 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CSCI 124 - Honors Introduction to Computing

This is an enriched introduction to the principles of computer science for students with a strong interest and/or background in computing. Much like the regular introductory course CSCI120, the focus is on the top-down approach to problem solving and computer programming in Java, including the usual topics such as control structures, arrays, and object-oriented design. However it delves more deeply into a number of topics of central interest in computer science, including a more extensive study of algorithms and the nature of information. Graphics programming and animation are introduced via the programming language Processing, which is closely related to Java. Graphical applications are used to motivate and introduce some important programming ideas (graphical user interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism, recursion) as well as foundational concepts in computer science such as abstract models of computation (Turing machines and cellular automata). While the course has no formal prerequisite, some background in computing, such as prior study of computer programming, is highly recommended. This course is a prerequisite for most higher-numbered computer science courses, and serves as an alternative prerequisite to CSCI 121 .

Instructor: Mr. Green

When Offered: Offered every fall.

Faculty: TBA