2010-2011 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 08, 2025  
2010-2011 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ENT 255 - Navigating Nonprofit Dilemmas to Create Social Change

If the ‘80s and ‘90s were the “decades of the entrepreneur,” then this is surely the era of the social entrepreneur. Never before have the opportunities to create social change been greater. And yet this discipline of social entrepreneurship is still in its infancy. This course will introduce students to the “inflection points” in building a sustainable social venture—those moments or stages of development in the life cycle of a social venture that are characterized by debate, tension, and ambiguity even among the most experienced practitioners and observers in the field. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the multiple stakeholders who have a say in the provision of services and the creation of social value, and will be exposed to examples of how good intent can lead to inferior programming or failure in the absence of planning and mindful adaptation. The course has a community engagement component that spans the semester and provides a balance to the often tidy prescriptions and descriptions of nonprofit practice.

Prerequisites: MGMT 215 /ENT 215  OR MGMT 245 /ENT 245  OR MGMT 011 .

Cross Listed: MGMT 255 

Instructor: Staff

When Offered: Offered periodically.

Faculty: TBA