2010-2011 Academic Catalog 
    Jan 02, 2025  
2010-2011 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

PSYC 251 - Language Development

Type of Course: First Seminar
A comprehensive survey of the basic issues and topics involved in the study of language development with a focus on connections to social and cultural factors. The course begins with an examination of early and influential theories of language development. Against this background we then turn to the question of how children acquire language, with special emphasis on the relationship to cognitive and social development, as well as evolutionary and comparative work.

Prerequisites: PSYC 150 .

Cross Listed: COMM 251

Instructor: Ms. Budwig, Ms. Srivastava

When Offered: Offered periodically.

Faculty: Nancy Budwig, Ph.D. - Professor of Psychology Associate Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, Smita Srivastava, Ph.D.