Mar 02, 2025
2015-2016 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Global Environmental Studies Minor
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Global Environmental Studies Overview
Undergraduate Program
Citizens of the world in the 21st century must deal with notoriously difficult environmental questions. How do we reduce our dependency upon fossil fuels? What can we do to reverse biodiversity decline? Is biotechnology safe for humans and other species? How will we achieve more economic justice and protect the environment at the same time? Will international institutions and social movements lead the way or will local environmental justice groups provide the real solutions? Through an interdisciplinary approach, the global environmental studies major provides students with the knowledge and tools to understand the economic, political and cultural causes of environmental transformation, degradation and exploitation. More importantly, the major affords students opportunities, through research, internships and field work, to consider and develop solutions to environmental problems. Students will look at global and local environment issues through the eyes of people whose lives, livelihoods and ways of living are at stake in the process of economic, ecological, cultural and political change. Students will contend with the economic practices, laws and policies, cultural values and social norms that guide peoples’ relation with the living world in multiple locations with different climates, histories, economies and governing structures. Students will learn the histories, geographies and strategies of major social movements which have fought for environmental protection, cultural survival, biodiversity, food security, territory, common property and equitable distribution of resources. International and local communities need professionals with a breadth of understanding of today’s complex realities. GES students can gain an understanding of multiple environmental issues, including: political economy; culture and environment; gender, race and ethnic studies; economic inequalities, global environmental change; environmental information science; environmental law and policy; geographic information systems; and social theory. With a customized program of study, students can prepare for careers in a variety of fields, including media, finance, law, advocacy, research, government, higher education, civil-society organizations, social movements and corporations. They will have the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to: sustainable livelihoods, healthy ecosystems, recovery from environmental damage, protection of indigenous and community ecologies, and innovative social, economic, and ecological alternatives for the future. For details, students should consult the Guide to the Major/Minor, available on the GES Clark web page. The Clark Advantage
Geography majors, Global Environmental Studies (GES) majors, and Environmental Science (ES) majors concentrating in Earth System Science (ESS) have the opportunity to work on research projects with faculty members and graduate students in one of the most prestigious graduate programs of geography worldwide. Summer Fellowships are available for qualified students to participate in the Human-Environment Regional Observatory (HERO) program, an intensive summer academic-year research effort focused on environmental change in New England. Eligible majors also have the opportunity to enter the accelerated M.A. in GIScience program. Other accelerated M.A. programs include International Development and Social Change, Environmental Science and Policy, and Community Development and Planning. Geography, GES, and ESS undergraduates are served by the Clark University Geography Association (CUGA) and Gamma Theta Upsilon, an international geographic honors society. CUGA is the voice of Geography, GES, and ESS majors, with student representation on the undergraduate studies committee and in departmental meetings. CUGA representatives are able to vote at department meetings and give their ideas and opinions on various topics that concern undergraduate majors. They also attend field trips and host events, such as The CUGA Annual Address on Practicing Geography. Gamma Theta Upsilon is an international honor society. In order to become members, initiates must have completed a minimum of three geography courses, have maintained a minimum GPA of 3.3, and have completed at least three semesters (or five quarters) of college course work. For more information on Gamma Theta Upsilon please see their official website. Minor Requirements
Students wishing to minor in GES must complete a total of eight courses from the following components of the progam. Two courses may be double counted for the major and minor. Breadth Component
Global Environmental Studies minors are required to take 5 breadth courses. Students are required to take one course from the GES State of the Earth list and one course fromthe GES Natural Science list. The remaining three courses must be chosen from the four remaining areas: Economics/Political Economy of the Environment; Government/Institutions; Civil Society and Social Movements; Culture and Environment. Please refer to the GES major requirements for course listings and further details. Depth Component
Global Environmental Studies minors must take 2 depth courses, at least one of which should be at the 200 level. Please refer to the GES major requirements for course listings and further details. Skills Component
One skills course is required. Please refer to the GES major requirements for course listings and further details. Global Environmental Studies Faculty
Anthony Bebbington, Ph.D. Mark Davidson, Ph.D. J. Ronald Eastman, Ph.D. Jody Emel, Ph.D. Karen Frey, Ph.D. James McCarthy, Ph.D. James T. Murphy, Ph.D. Richard Peet, Ph.D. Colin Polsky, Ph.D. Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr, Ph.D. Samuel Ratick, Ph.D. Dianne Rocheleau, Ph.D. (Program Director) John Rogan, Ph.D. Christopher Williams, Ph.D. Adjunct
Kiran Asher, Ph.D. John Baker, Ph.D. Denise Bebbington, Ph.D. Halina Brown, Ph.D. Sarah Buie, M.F.A. Patrick Derr, Ph.D. Timothy Downs, D.Env. Jude Fernando, Ph.D. William Fisher, Ph.D. Jacqueline Geoghegan, Ph.D. Robert Goble, Ph.D. Barbara Goldoftas, Ph.D. Todd Livdahl, Ph.D. Bruce London, Ph.D. Paul W. Posner, Ph.D. Jennie Stephens, Ph.D. Affiliate
Douglas Johnson, Ph.D. Roger Kasperson, Ph.D. Robert Kates, Ph.D. B. L. Turner, Ph.D. Emeriti
Robert Mitchell, Ph.D. Off Campus Affiliated
Scott Jiusto, Ph.D - Worcester Polytechnic Institute Rob Krueger, Ph.D - Worcester Polytechnic Institute Global Environmental Studies Courses
Courses offered within the last 2 Academic Years - ARTS 120 - Introduction to Photography
- ARTS 121 - Intermediate Photography
- ARTS 128 - Drawing: Sense of Place
- ARTS 162 - Exploring the Natural World: Seeding Artistic Process with Drawing and Mixed Media
- ARTS 204 - Sacred Space
- BIOL 084 - Biodiversity
- BIOL 103 - Environmental and Conservation Biology
- BIOL 106 - Introductory Biostatistics
- BIOL 114 - Marine Biology
- BIOL 119 - Herpetology
- BIOL 201 - Ecology of Atlantic Shores
- BIOL 208 - Conservation and Effective Practice
- BIOL 216 - Ecology
- BIOL 258 - Small Scale Land Conservation in Massachusetts
- CSAC 256 - Do-It-Yourself-Media
- ECON 010 - Economics and the World Economy
- ECON 128 - Intro to Economic Development
- ECON 157 - The Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment
- ECON 257 - Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
- EN 101 - Sustainability Science: Environment, Society and Technology
- EN 103 - The Sustainable University
- EN 177 - Health and the Urban Environment
- EN 207 - Climate Change, Energy and Development
- EN 241 - Environmental Toxicology
- EN 245 - Natural Resource Management
- EN 255 - Global Health: Epidemiologic Perspectives
- EN 258 - Food Production, Environment and Health
- EN 264 - Environmental and Social Epidemiology
- EN 277 - Sustainable Consumption and Production
- EN 282 - U.S. Environmental Pollution Policy
- ENG 204 - Writing for Modern Media
- ENT 202 - Entrepreneurial Communication and Influence
- ENT 245 - Social Entrepreneurship
- GEOG 017 - Environment and Society
- GEOG 020 - American Cities: Changing Spaces, Community Places
- GEOG 028 - Discover Worcester
- GEOG 052 - Global Change, Regional Challenges
- GEOG 075 - Americans and the Environment
- GEOG 080 - Reading the Forested Landscape
- GEOG 090 - Native Americans, Land and Natural Resources
- GEOG 102 - Weather and Climate
- GEOG 104 - Earth System Science
- GEOG 116 - Forest Ecology
- GEOG 119 - Arctic System Science
- GEOG 126 - Living in the Material World: The Political Geography of Resource Development
- GEOG 127 - Political Economy of Development
- GEOG 136 - Gender and Environment
- GEOG 157 - Psychogeography and Cultural Spaces
- GEOG 172 - City Planet: Urban Challenges in a Globalized World
- GEOG 179 - Global and Local Environmental Justice
- GEOG 190 - Introduction to Geographic Information Science
- GEOG 216 - Field Methods for Environmental Science
- GEOG 220 - Property and the Global Environment
- GEOG 222 - Why Global Warming Matters
- GEOG 224 - Economy and Environment
- GEOG 225 - Environmental Politics
- GEOG 232 - Landscape Ecology
- GEOG 237 - Feminism, Nature and Culture
- GEOG 247 - Intermediate Quantitative Methods in Geography
- GEOG 248 - Social Justice and the City
- GEOG 252 - Urban Design Research Lab
- GEOG 260 - GIS & Land Change Models
- GEOG 261 - Decision Methods for Environmental Management and Policy
- GEOG 274 - Africa’s Development in Global Context
- GEOG 280 - Urban Ecology: Cities as Ecosystems
- GEOG 283 - Terrestrial Ecosystems and Global Change
- GEOG 289 - Development Policy
- GEOG 296 - Advanced Raster GIS
- GEOG 321 - Ecologies of Resistance and Transformation: Alternatives to Development
- HIST 223 - The Civil Rights Movement
- HIST 293 - African American Social and Political Movements
- ID 121 - Culture, Health, and Development: What Makes Us Sick?
- ID 125 - Tales from the Far Side: Contemporary Dilemmas in Development
- ID 131 - Local Action/Global Change: The Urban Context
- ID 132 - Research Methods for International Development and Social Change
- ID 209 - Beyond Victims and Guardian Angels: Third World Women, Gender and Development
- ID 229 - Property and Community
- ID 272 - Environment and Justice in Latin America
- ID 294 - Culture, Environment, and Development
- ID 296 - Advanced Vector GIS
- IDCE 30205 - Climate Change, Energy and Development
- IDCE 30277 - Sustainable Consumption and Production
- MGMT 252 - Green Business Management
- PHIL 131 - Environmental Ethics
- PHYS 243 - Technology of Renewable Energy
- PSCI 216 - Comparative Environmental Politics
- PSYC 295 - Social Science Research to Influence Public Policy
- SCRN 107 - Introduction to Digital Filmmaking
- SOC 205 - Sociology of the Environment
- SOC 276 - Environment and Inequality
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