2018-2019 Academic Catalog 
    Mar 03, 2025  
2018-2019 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics


Undergraduate Concentration

In the last decade new high throughput techniques, including next-generation DNA sequencing and computational approaches to collect valuable quantitative data, have revolutionized modern biology and impacted the practice of medicine.  In response to the global challenge of analyzing and interpreting this overwhelming amount of data, the fields of Computer Science, Mathematics, and Biology have come together to form the rapidly growing discipline of Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics (MBB).

The newly formed MBB concentration at Clark will not only introduce you to the key tools and developments in these fields, but also allow you to explore important research questions in cutting-edge biology using experimental techniques together with modeling and analytical tools from the mathematical, computational and statistical sciences.

The Concentration is open to all students, but may be of greatest interest to students planning to major in any STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) related discipline.  If you are interested in the life sciences and enjoy quantitative thinking, then this Concentration is especially well suited for you.

Students who graduated with a Concentration in Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics will be in a strong position to go into the Biotechnology industry or continue their education in graduate school, either in their major or in a graduate program in Bioinformatics or Computational Biology.


For more information, please visit the Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics Department’s website.

Concentration Requirements

Four core courses and any two electives from the list below are required for the Concentration.  Students are strongly encouraged to consult with their academic advisors and any of the MBB faculty listed below regarding their course choices for the Concentration.

Course Requirements

Four core 100-level courses will be required:

Program Faculty

Director: Dr. Robert Drewell (Biology) - rdrewell@clarku.edu

Dr. Nathan Ahlgren (Biology) - nahlgren@clarku.edu
Dr. Philip Bergmann (Biology) - pbergmann@clarku.edu
Dr. Jacqueline Dresch (Mathematics & Computer Science) - jdresch@clarku.edu
Dr. Li Han (Mathematics & Computer Science) - lhan@clarku.edu
Dr. David Hibbett (Biology) - dhibbett@clarku.edu
Dr. John Magee (Mathematics & Computer Science) - jmagee@clarku.edu