2019-2020 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
2019-2020 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Resources


Clark University can provide housing for approximately 1,650 undergraduate and graduate students in eight residence halls and 10 houses. All first and second-year students are required to live in University housing unless they are commuting from home within the Worcester city limits. Residential Life and Housing staff are available to assist students with a variety of personal and academic concerns. The staff strive to create a living-and-learning environment through social, recreational and educational programs. Dodd Hall is designated as an all-women residence hall. The remaining seven halls are coeducational by room, floor, or wing. All residence halls are smoke free. There are four residence halls focused on the First Year Experience; Wright, Bullock, Dana & Hughes. Dodd is a mixed building with both First Year students and Upperclass students. Special-interest housing opportunities include substance-free housing (called Wellness Housing), and Quiet Housing. Wellness housing is located on the 3rd floor of Hughes for Upperclass students, and on the 2nd floor of Hughes for First Year students. Quiet Housing is located on the 4th floor of Johnson-Sanford Center for Upperclass students, and the 1st floor of Hughes for First Year Students. On Campus housing spaces are available for graduate students through the Office of Residential Life and Housing. Priority is given to graduate students who are signing up for either 12 or 10 month contracts and who complete their housing requests by May 1st.

New student assignments are emailed in June. Each year, returning students participate in the room selection process in March/April to select their rooms. Approximately, one-third of Clark students commute from home or live in private apartments in the immediate neighborhood. Students without prior arrangement for University-owned housing are urged to arrive before registration to seek suitable housing in the area.

Room keys and mailbox combinations are issued to students upon arrival at Clark. Fees are charged for the replacement of keys that are lost during the year. It is mandatory to return room keys before leaving campus at the end of the academic year.

International Students and Scholars Office

The International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) serves the needs of international students, researchers and faculty through immigration advising and cultural adjustment programs. The ISSO staff advises more than 900 international students, faculty, scholars and their dependents from over 90 countries on matters relating to immigration as well as academic, social, financial and personal concerns related to daily life in the United States.

Multicultural and First Generation Student Support

Multicultural and First Generation Student Support assists students of ALANA (African-American, Latinx, Asian/Desi-American, Pacific Islander, Native/Indigenous-American and Multiracial) descent and first generation college students in the development and implementation of their academic, leadership and career goals. Our team empowers students holistically by providing access to cultural capital and resources to communities that have been systematically and historically underserved. Through mentoring, training and providing community spaces, we advocate, empower students to find their voice and provide support as they actualize their potential.

Support services include the ACE (Advancing Clark Excellence) Summer Institute, Connections@Clark, advising, and student success workshops centered on topics such as: time management, financial literacy, and navigating microaggressions. We also offer affinity groups such as Sisters in Stride (for woman-identified students of color), FOCUS (for men-identified students of color), Queer & Trans Students of Color (for students who want to explore the intersections among gender, sexual orientation, and racial identities) and advise the First Generation Student Union & Millennium Leadership Conference. Through these programs and initiatives, we seek to develop socially-conscious, empowered leaders who embody Clark’s Mission to Challenge Convention and Change the World. Students can visit our website at Clarku.edu/offices/multicultural or contact Hayley Haywood, Director of Multicultural and First Generation Student Support, with any questions at hhaywood@clarku.edu.


Clark University undergraduate students may participate and earn course credit  in the Army and Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. U.S. citizens, who are physically qualified, earn their degree from Clark University and satisfactorily complete the ROTC program, will be commissioned as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army or Air Force. Students may request an educational delay of active duty in order to attend graduate school. First-year and sophomore students can compete for two and three-year scholarships, which are primarily based on academic performance and major. Students interested in Army ROTC should contact the Military Science Department at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) phone number 508-831-5268 or email armyrotc@wpi.edu. Students interested in Air Force ROTC should contact the Department of Aerospace Studies at WPI, phone number 508-831-5747 or email afrotc@wpi.edu.

Health Services

The Clark University Health Service is a primary-care outpatient clinic that provides on-campus health care to full-time matriculated undergraduate and graduate students. It is staffed by physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses and support staff. The clinic, located at 501 Park Avenue, is open Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is always a physician on call when Health Service is closed.

Students may make an appointment at Health Service with a clinician for diagnosis, treatment, follow-up or counseling regarding health problems. Gynecological and contraceptive services are available.

Massachusetts law requires all full and part-time students to enroll in a qualifying student health-insurance plan offered by the University or another health-insurance plan with comparable coverage. Failure to submit proof of comparable coverage will result in a student being automatically enrolled in the Clark plan and charged accordingly. In compliance with state law, students may not register for classes until they are enrolled in an insurance plan.

Dean of Students Office

The Dean of Students Office is concerned with the well-being of students living and learning in a community of scholars and works to maximize the quality of student life at Clark. The staff coordinates services related to housing, residential life, new-undergraduate student orientation, wellness, health services, undergraduate student involvement and leadership development, support for undergraduate students of color and first-generation students, personal counseling, Title IX education and support, and conduct.

The deans are available to meet with students on the wide variety of issues that they encounter during their time at Clark. The Dean of Students Office publishes a student handbook, which outlines student support services and the Code of Student Conduct.

Campus Security

The Clark University campus is served by a 16-member police force duly appointed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts department of State Police. University Police are armed and have full arrest and policing powers.

Police take an active approach to campus security, offering students, faculty and staff educational programs on how to take precautions appropriate to an urban setting. University Police and Facilities Management maintain a network of 74 cameras and 78 indoor and outdoor emergency telephones to ensure a quick response to security concerns. A safety escort service is available for students from 4 p.m. to 4 a.m. during the academic year within a quarter mile of the Clark campus. Clark Rapid Response Squad is a student-run organization comprised of both EMTs and First Responders providing rapid medical care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, when classes are in session.  Clark University, as mandated by federal law, reports annually on the security of its campus. A copy of the Campus Security Report is available here:  Campus Safety Report

Clark OneCard

The Clark OneCard is your official University identification and should be carried with you at all times. The OneCard looks like an ordinary University ID, but it’s much more than that. The OneCard acts as a key to a number of services on campus including access to residential and academic buildings, athletic facilities, Dolan Field House, Dana Commons, Goddard Library, meal plans, and the CashCard Program.

The CashCard Program works like cash and can be used at both on-and off-campus venues. On-campus venues include Clark Dining Hall, Higgins Bistro, Clark on-line bookstore, Clark Campus Store, and university print fees. For off-campus venues, please visit www.clarku.edu/onecard.

The cardholder should report a lost or stolen card immediately to University Police or the OneCard office at the Alumni & Student Engagement Center, Room 325. Visit www.clarku.edu/onecard for current office hours or to make an appointment. A fee is charged to replace lost or damaged cards.

Varsity Athletics

Clark’s 17 intercollegiate varsity teams compete as a member of the Division III National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the New England Women’s and Men’s Athletic Conference (NEWMAC), which includes Babson College, Emerson College, MIT, Mount Holyoke College, Smith College, Springfield College, United States Coast Guard Academy, Wellesley College, Wheaton College, and WPI.

Men’s varsity sports include baseball, basketball, cross country, lacrosse, soccer, swimming and diving, and tennis. The women’s varsity sports include basketball, cross country, field hockey, lacrosse, rowing, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, tennis, and volleyball. For more information view the athletics website at www.clarkathletics.com