2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BAN 5532 - Introduction to AI for Data Scientists and Business Analysts This is an introductory course in Artificial Intelligence for Data scientist and Business Analysts, for business analysts to leverage data and AI to make informed strategic business decisions. The course is intended for students who desire to learn AI to improve their skills in new emerging advanced technology and eventually become business managers and leaders. Students who are interested in opportunities as data scientists, marketing analysts, product managers, and team leaders looking to further their careers are among the pertinent profiles. The course emphasizes a theoretical and case-based approach that helps to simulate operational instances where AI can be used to enhance corporate goals.
Artificial intelligence has progressively expanded its influence over enterprises worldwide, resulting in a steady demand for AI professionals. While the emphasis has been on the opportunities for trained professionals, their efforts must still be oriented towards competitive business results. Modern organizations should take advantage of the skills and expertise of emerging AI professionals to maximize productivity and achieve market leadership.
It will address fundamental ideas in machine learning and artificial intelligence, allowing learners to gain an intuitive understanding without being overly focused on complex technical specifics.
This course does not require any prior coding expertise, rather it focuses on building AI business models (no coding).
Anticipated Terms Offered: Periodically