2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Undergraduate Academic Options & Support

Required Foundational Elements can be found within the Arts and Sciences - Undergraduate Academic Policies  under General University Graduation Requirements.

Academic Advising Center

The Academic Advising Center helps undergraduate students plan their academic programs through a coordinated set of activities and services, including credit evaluations and exceptions to University policies (through College Board).

All matriculated incoming first year students are assigned a professional academic first year adviser by the center who helps them select first semester courses, including a First Year Intensive (FYI) course. After a student has registered for classes, the FYI professor becomes the student’s pre-major adviser. When the student has formally declared a major, typically in the sophomore year, the pre-major adviser is replaced by a faculty adviser in the student’s major department.  A student’s academic adviser assignment is viewable within CUWeb.

For more information, undergraduate students are invited to contact the center at Advising@clarku.edu. Graduate student academic advising is controlled within each department and students should consult with their Academic Department for more information.

Accelerated B.A./Master’s Degree Programs

Clark offers several programs that allow students to complete the requirements for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in an accelerated, five-year period. These programs are listed in the Programs of Study  section under the heading Accelerated Degree witin this catalog.  Students apply to the accelerated B.A./Master’s degree programs in their junior year, and begin taking graduate level courses during their senior year. These graduate courses provide academic credit toward completion of the bachelor’s degree and fulfill some of the course requirements of the graduate degree. Eligible students are admitted into the graduate program of their choice upon receipt of the BA degree, and typically, in a fifth year of study complete the course requirements for the master’s degree.

To qualify for a full (100%) tuition scholarship^ (maximum of 10 courses) during the fifth year, Clark undergraduate arts & science school students must: be a full-time undergraduate student for four years (eight semesters) at Clark; meet the entry requirements of the chosen graduate program; achieve a 3.40* GPA for the second and third years of study in aggregate; apply to the program by May 1st of the junior year; (or November 1 if the second semester of the junior year is in the fall semester); achieve a 3.40* GPA for the fourth year of study; complete the B.A. degree within five years of initial entry to Clark University, and select an eligible program (Interactive Media, BA/MFA does not offer Tuition Remission/Scholarship and some SOM programs offer a maximum of 50% tuition scholarship).

Undergraduates who transfer to Clark may be eligible for a 50^ percent tuition scholarship (maximum of 10 courses) during their fifth year under the following conditions: be a full-time student for at least one full academic year prior to admission at the end of the junior year; obtain a GPA of at least 3.40* for whatever portion of the sophomore and junior year coursework taken at Clark in aggregate; maintain a GPA of at least 3.40* during the senior year; apply to the graduate program of your choice by May 1 (or November 1 if the second semester of the junior year is in the fall semester); meet the entry requirements of the chosen graduate program, and select an eligible program (Interactive Media, BA/MFA does not offer Tuition Remission/Scholarship). Eligible students who complete their undergraduate degree requirements in seven semesters of full-time study will be eligible for 75^ percent tuition remission in the graduate progam.

Accelerated Degree Programs are listed in the Programs of Study  section under the heading Accelerated Degree within this catalog. For additional information click on Accelerated Degree Program Policies and Procedures  

For further information, visit www.clarku.edu/accelerate or contact the Graduate Admissions Office via email (gradadmissions@clarku.edu)  or at (508) 793-7373.

^Individual departments may limit the amount of the tuition scholarship awarded for select programs, please see the ADP listing for specific limitations.

*Individual departments may have additional requirements including a potentially higher GPA. Geographic Information Science requires a 3.6 GPA, International Development & Social Change requires a 3.5 GPA in the major and completion of honors, History requires completion of honors in the major.

Career Connections Center

Career Connections Center offers undergraduate students a suite of resources to explore, prepare for and develop their post-graduation plans. Career Connection Center advisers, organized by academic disciplines, help students clarify their life after Clark path and develop a general strategy for moving forward. Through the Career Connections Center, starting in the first year, students can learn effective search strategies to find a job or internship, connect with employers and alumni career professionals, work on their resumes, practice interview skills, obtain advice, research careers, and much more. Our offices include:

  • Career and Curriculum Development
  • ClarkCONNECT 
  • On-Campus Student Employment 
  • Project, Internship, and Research Funding
  • Employer Engagement 
  • Career Advising
  • Job Shadow Program

Colleges of Worcester Consortium (HECCMA)

Clark is part of The Higher Education Consortium of Central Massachusetts (HECCMA). Clark’s membership in this organization allows you to supplement your program with courses offered at the eleven other schools in the Consortium. All full-time undergraduate day students, except first year students and first semester transfer students, may enroll in one course per semester (fall or spring) at any of the following schools:

Cross-registration forms with instructions on registration procedures can be found online. More information, including a course search engine, cross registration policies, and ride sharing opportunities is available on the HECCMA web site.

Internship Database
Internships provide unique opportunities to experience career fields and industries before officially entering the workforce. Use this Consortium-wide database to explore the opportunities that exist in our area and consult with your professors and/or Career Services office to find the right match for you.

LEEP Project

LEEP Fellowship Award offers financial assistance, up to $3,000, to students pursuing unpaid, problem-based projects or research during the summer months. This can be with either an external organization or with a Clark faculty or staff member. This summer experience should provide an opportunity to engage with others outside of Clark, offer real-world applications of course material, allow authentic problem-solving experiences, and serve as a capstone, or culminating experience.

LEEP Fellows also enjoy the following benefits:

  1. LEEP Fellows receive 0.25 units of credit tuition-free during the summer of their project and have the fellowship appear on their Clark academic transcript.
  2. Award recipients build a supportive, collaborative community of LEEP Fellows during the summer months through the Summer Funding Seminar, which meets virtually several times throughout the summer.


  1. Current juniors and returning seniors (graduating in December) will be given priority for this program.
  2. First-years and sophomores may be considered if the project is developmentally appropriate and you can make a compelling case as to how this project relates to your future goals.

For questions, contact the Career Connections Center at opportunityfunding@clarku.edu. Click here to read about the 2020 Fellows and their projects.

Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Advising

Clark University encourages all students to seek out experiential learning opportunities beyond their coursework, including internships and research experiences that will advance their research, teaching, and career trajectories. The office advises students through the process of applying for both internal Clark Opportunity Funds and external competitive awards that provide financial support for summer and post-graduation opportunities. These awards can support a variety of experiences, including study abroad, undergraduate and graduate study, federal employment, teaching, research, and public service. Our office assists students with application materials, such as personal statements and research proposals, as well as interview preparation.

Preprofessional Programs

Clark University recognizes that preparation for a professional career is fully compatible with a liberal-arts education. The Prelaw program might interest those looking for a career or background in law. For more information, contact Edward Cohen, University Pre-Law Advisor. 

There are many health-related careers and the path to any of these careers can be very different.  Clark values the importance of educating future physicians and other members of the health care professions.  More detailed information about medical careers and how to pursue them is available by visiting the Prehealth webpage or by contacting Denis LaRochelle, Chair, Prehealth Advisory Committee.

Problems of Practice (PoP)Courses

A Problems of Practice (PoP) course provides students with the knowledge and skills that are found in the work world. These courses will often be project-based experiences in which students work as a team for an extended period of time, led by a faculty member. The project will investigate and respond to an engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge. Students in a PoP course will connect with an extended network of collaborators who might include older peers (as Peer Learning Assistants), graduate students, and experts from beyond the campus. The PoP experience necessitates reflection on self, the field, and the development of one’s identity within it. By modeling independent and collaborative work, PoP courses will prepare students to flourish in their culminating capstone and their career after graduation from Clark.

Study Abroad and Study Away

The Study Abroad and Away Programs office connects students with opportunities that align their academic and co-curricular interests with credit bearing experiences beyond the Worcester campus in the semester and summer. The staff works with students to identify, apply for, and participate in one of our 50+ programs approved around the globe, including in Boston and Washington, DC.

It is important to begin learning about the study abroad/away process during the students first year at Clark, as early planning and research is key to maximizing the experience.  Students studying abroad or away MUST fill out an “Interest Form to Study Abroad” form at least one year in advance, attend a Study Abroad 101 session and have declared a major in order to be eligible.

Requirements for application include that students be in good academic and social standing prior to departure, have a minimum GPA of 3.0 (some programs require a higher GPA), and have been in residence at Clark for at least one year prior to studying abroad/away. Before students meet with a Study Abroad/Study Away staff adviser they should have attended a Study Abroad 101, decided upon a major and have a faculty advisor within that major. This will allow the students to successfully integrate their program abroad with their graduation requirements.

Students are required to fill out two applications: one to their chosen program for acceptance and one to Clark study abroad for approval. All applications must be submitted by the Clark deadlines.

The Henry J. and Erna D. Leir Program at Clark University

Through funding provided by the Henry J. and Erna D. Leir Foundation, Clark University will host a European-based May term program.  Recent changes at the Foundation have allowed Clark University to expand the geographic location of the program formally known as the Leir Luxembourg program to include study and research opportunities in other European countries.  For further information, please contact the Luxembourg Office at Leir@clarku.edu or (508) 793-7634.

3/2 Engineering Program

Currently Clark offers the 3/2 engineering program with Columbia University.  The program consists of three years of studies at Clark followed by two years at Columbia University. The program leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree from Clark and a Bachelor of Science in engineering degree from Columbia University. For more information, contact the program director Professor Charles Agosta in the Physics Department.