Graduate Program Requirements
The curriculum for the MSBA program consists of ten required core courses, plus one unit of an Experiential Learning elective, for a total of 11 units. All courses are worth one unit, unless otherwise specified.
Students must achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.0 to be in good academic standing in SOM at the end of each semester (a ‘B’ in each of their classes). The lowest grade a student can earn in a course is a ‘C.’
Completion of a graduate internship is also required for all full-time students in the program. However, it may be possible to waive this requirement if students have 3+ years of professional business work experience related to their field of study. Contact a member of the Stevenish Career Management Center for more information.
Students can begin this program at the start of the fall or spring semester.
Students must satisfy the Master of Science in Business Analytics prerequisite courses prior to beginning their first semester at Clark University. Students must satisfy 1 Math or Statistics course and 1 Python or SQL Server Programming course. Please read below for prerequisite guidelines:
Math and Statistics (Probability and its Applications)
The prerequisite is automatically satisfied if the student took one (1) Statistics or Math course through an accredited college or university. The course must have been for credit and the student must have earned a letter grade. Students missing a prerequisite statistics class can complete STAT 4009 through Clark University prior to starting their program.
Courses taken through an open online courses platform (MOOC) will not satisfy the statistics prerequisites.
Python or SQL Server Programming
The common topics that the programming courses must cover is the syntax, algorithm, and programming skills of a popular programming language, such as Python, Java, C++, C, SQL, Visual Basic, Perl, PHP, or MATLAB.
The prerequisite is automatically satisfied if the student took one (1) course at an accredited college or university. Students can also satisfy this programming prerequisite if they successfully complete the following Online Certificate programs from either LinkedIn Learning or Udemy:
LinkedIn Learning
Minimum Grade Requirements
Students must receive a ‘B’ or higher from the courses taken at an accredited college or university in order to satisfy the pre-requisites. Students who take the Online Certificatefor programming through LinkedIn Learning or Udemy must demonstrate the course completion and certificate received from the platform and submit it to their admissions representative.
EAS and Pathway
EAS and Pathway students who did not already satisfy the pre-requisites may complete them while taking their English language courses at Clark University. However, Statistics and Programming will not be part of the EAS curriculum. Students will need to complete the Statistics requirement online at Clark University STAT 4009 or online through another accredited university, and they must also complete the programming prerequisite through LinkedIn Learning or Udemy.
For any questions, contact the Program Director, Jing Zhang.