Interactive Media Overview
The Interactive Media major includes the BSDT groundbreaking studio-based curriculum, built on an interdisciplinary model of learning; incorporating personalization and rigor a cross a framework of collaboration among students, faculty, departments, and the community. A degree in interactive media from Clark positions you to succeed in whatever focus area, exciting career, or advanced degree you wish to pursue, while providing historical context, critical analysis, and effective practice of the discipline.
The Bachelor of Arts in Interactive Media Major - with tracks in areas such as Game 3D Art, Game 2D Art, Game Development and Programming, Game Audio, Time-Based Media, Game UI/UX Design, Game Production and Management, Game Writing and Design Your Own Track. - is a groundbreaking, nationally ranked interactive media program that will allow you to pursue your passion for games while preparing you for a career in the $160 billion interactive media industry.
Design Your Own Track
In addition to the 8 core units, students are required to take these 5 units for this track:
Choose any 5 GAME/GART/GCPT or other approved course to design your own unique program track (must have faculty approval).
BSDT Honors
How to Apply for Honors
Students interested in pursuing honors should speak with their major advisors during junior year to discuss their eligibility, potential project and lead role focus, and to identify potential faculty mentors.
Students who apply and receive BSDT approval begin their honors project in the first semester of their senior year. The presentation of the student’s contribution to their honors project as well as consideration for being awarded honors, occurs in the final semester.
To apply, contact the Dean of the BSDT (or Director) via email. Your email should include:
- A statement asking to be admitted and expressing why you are interested. In this statement, you should also indicate your faculty mentor.
- A brief description of the project or lead role you propose.
- An unofficial transcript.
- The email must cc your major advisor with whom you have spoken and your honors faculty mentor.
Admission to the Honors Program (which does not necessarily guarantee that Honors will be awarded) is based on review of the above submitted items and approval by the BSDT faculty mentor and Dean.
Honors in the BSDT requires leadership work within a pre-specified area (including but not limited to: 2D art, 3D art, AI, audio, production, serious games, mechanics programming, world building, etc. ) on a Game Studio project, culminating in a supporting presentation/talk, under the mentorship of a BSDT faculty member. The Game Studio project can be an original project (Greenlit), an MFA thesis project, or a BSDT undergraduate project - all of which are within the Game Studio. The supporting talk will be presented at one or more open sessions.
Research: During senior year, the student will research their area of interactive media which is the focus of their honors work and incorporate this research into their informative public talk as well as the underpinning for their contributions to Game Studio in their final semester.
Informative Talk: During their senior year, the student is expected to attend and present their work in at least one session open to the public. Potential sessions include Fall and Spring Clarkfest, the BSDT Senior Showcase, the MFA thesis defense event day programming, Pax East, and various interactive media and game symposia, both regionally and nationally.
Studio Leadership: The student is expected to demonstrate exceptional contributions to their senior (capstone) Game Studio project. Leadership includes exemplary work in their designated focus area to be incorporated into the project, mentoring of fellow students in the specified discipline on both the project team as well as those from the Game Studio as a whole, and demonstration of innovative approaches to challenges and opportunities throughout.
Honors Awards
Honors are awarded after consultation of the entire BSDT faculty.
There are three levels of Honors - Honors, High Honors, and Highest Honors - awarded on the basis of a student’s overall grade point average and the standards attained in the capstone Game Studio, BSDT advanced topics, and final presentation/talk of honors work.
Admission to the Honors Program does not necessarily guarantee that Honors will be awarded.